• Proposed
  • 2Under Assessment
  • 3Preliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Fissurina pseudostromatica Lücking & Rivas Plata

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Scientific name
Fissurina pseudostromatica
Lücking & Rivas Plata
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Assessment status
Proposed by
Isaias de Oliveira Junior
Comments etc.
Isaias de Oliveira Junior

Assessment Notes

Taxonomic notes

This species is known by its corticolous smooth to uneven, olive-green thallus, lirellae densely aggregate in pseudostromatic, 8- ascospores per ascus, ellipsoid, transversely 3–septate, 15–20 × 5–7 μm (Lucking et al., 2011). Important note, this species was first considered as F. mexicana. However, F. mexicana has muriform ascospores and its thallus is lighter, with a less conspicuous contrast between thallus and pseudostromatic clusters (Lucking et al., 2011).

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Due to lack of records, and also the geographic distance between the existent records this species might be considered as Data Deficient (DD).

Geographic range

This is species is known in four countries. In Brazil, 25 occurrences to this species are known, located in South, North, and Northeast of Brazil according to GBIF database.

Population and Trends

There are 26 records in GBIF database, distributed in Brazil (25 records), The United States fo America (1 record). However, the database isn’t updated because there are records in Colombia (Rincón Espitia, 2011), and Thailand (Kawinnat Buaruang et al., 2017), so far.

Population Trend:

Habitat and Ecology

This species occurs in Tropical to Subtropical Rainforest, from sea level up to the Montane Zone and Dry areas. In Brazil, this species can be found at the Atlantic Rainforest and Amazon Rainforest.

Subtropical/Tropical Dry ForestSubtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland ForestSubtropical/Tropical Moist Montane Forest


In Brazil, this species commonly founded in Atlantic and Amazon Rainforest that are biomes that still suffer anthropic actions in special wildfire, natural and criminal caused, and area suppression.

Tourism & recreation areasSmall-holder farmingAgro-industry farmingSmall-holder plantationsAgro-industry plantationsRoads & railroadsUnintentional effects (species being assessed is not the target)Increase in fire frequency/intensityHabitat shifting & alteration

Conservation Actions

In Brazil, the records are related to preserved areas, but unfortunately, those spaces still being affected by negatives influences. So, formal education to the population that lives near those areas and the park managers can start to change the situation.

Resource & habitat protectionHabitat & natural process restorationFormal education

Research needed

Actions that are orientated to taxonomy and exploration to new sites need to be stimulated until a better understanding of this species status.

TaxonomyPopulation size, distribution & trends

Use and Trade



Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted