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Limacella solidipes (Peck) H.V. Sm.

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Scientific name
Limacella solidipes
(Peck) H.V. Sm.
Common names
Limacelle à pied ferme
Ringed Limacella
Peck's Vanguard Limacella
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Assessment date
IUCN Red List Category
Langlois, A.
Dahlberg, A.

Assessment Notes

The content on this page is fetched from The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/95384539/95385524


Limacella solidipes is a rare saprotrophic fungus native to northeastern North America. Despite being relatively easy to recognize, the species has been reported from only five sites since its description in 1898. The fungus is found on the ground in swampy or wet deciduous or mixed forests.  Its apparent restriction to wetlands suggests declining population size associated with loss of habitat. However, until more information is available on the population size of L. solidipes, its frequency, status and trend in appropriate habitat, the species is assessed as DD (Data Deficient).

Taxonomic notes

Even though they are identified as Limacella solidipes, some specimens reported from western North America (California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska) are probably of a different species (Tulloss pers. comm.). These specimens are ignored from this assessment.

Geographic range

Limacella solidipes has been only been found in northeastern North America. The reports from the United States are in New York (Albany Co.; Morgan 1907), Minnesota (Pine Hollow; mycoportal.org) and North Carolina (Orange Co.; mycoportal.org). It has also been reported from Canada in Quebec province (Rimouski-Neigette and La Mitis regions; Després 2007, GBIF 2014, Labbé 2014).

There are some specimens identified as Limacella solidipes from western North America (California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska) but expert opinion is that Limacella solidipes "probably does not occur in the Pacific Coastal states" (R. Tulloss pers. comm.). These western USA records are ignored from this assessment.

Population and Trends

Limacella solidipes appear to be a very rare species only known from five sites in northeastern North America. The species was last seen in 2007 in Quebec province, Canada. Beside the specimens from Quebec province, no observation has been reported since 1927. More information on Limacella solidipes population size and distribution, its occurrence in appropriate habitat as well as the status and trend of the habitat is needed  to confidently evaluate population trends or the total number of mature individuals.
Limacella solidipes is a large mushroom, and according to a key of Limacella in North America (Kuo 2006) it is easily identified. However, Limacellas are not well known by amateur mycologists and can be mistaken for white Amanitas. Also, Limacella solidipes descriptions from different sources are slightly inconsistent. Therefore, it is thought that the species has been rarely overlooked, but that it may have been misidentified when found.

Descriptions from different sources are slightly inconsistent. This species might have been forgotten by mycologists or misidentified for a number of years. Limacella solidipes would then be more common than it is suggested by the data currently available.

USA: One site in NY (prior to 1907), one site in MN (1926), two sites in NC (1920//1927; about 1 km from each other). See Morgan (1907), MyCoPortal, Smith (1937).
Canada: Two sites in Quebec province (2004//2007). See Després 2007 and GBIF.

Population Trend: unknown

Habitat and Ecology

Limacella solidipes is a saprotrophic fungus species that fruits in summer and fall on the ground of deciduous or mixed forests (Labbé 2014). It grows in wet, damp or swampy areas (Morgan 1907). The species has also been reported on humus under alder (Alnus) on swampy grounds (Tulloss 2016).


Limacella solidipes is restricted to swampy or wet areas, and wetlands are often negatively impacted by human population growth and urban sprawl in North America (USDA 1995). Thus, this species might be threatened by habitat loss or might have disappeared from sites because of habitat loss.

Conservation Actions

There is no indication that some Limacella solidipes populations are located in protected areas. No conservation action is currently being taken to protect this species. Sites where L. solidipes is currently known to grow should be protected. Within-range habitat should be inventoried to better define Limacella solidipes population sizes, distribution and trends. The inventory of sites where the species was seen decades ago should be prioritized. The type specimen should be studied in order to clarify its description. Specimens recently collected in Quebec province (Canada) should be compared to the type specimen.

Source and Citation

Langlois, A. 2017. Limacella solidipes. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T95384539A95385524. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T95384539A95385524.en .Accessed on 2 February 2024

Country occurrence